Jazz Legends


We have been receiving a number of letters and e-mails over the past few months about problems with some of our DVDs and CDs. Those problems include pictures that freeze up, CDs that won’t play all the tracks, DVDs that won’t play at all on any player, and various other sundry difficulties. The digital revolution is just great, isn’t it? 

Certainly, we could all go back to using cassette audio tapes and VHS–or Beta–video tapes. These were and are mechanically oriented media that in time, just like any other mechanical device, wear out. One of the beauties of the digital revolution, be it CD, DVD or whatever, is that these things supposedly don’t wear out. That, certainly, is fabulous, but it doesn’t mean diddley if they won’t play. 

Here at JazzLegends.com, we’ve already gone through about five CD duplicators. Their shelf life, whatever the price, appears to be about 90 days. And in this case, sadly, 90 days is not “the same as cash,” as they say in Philadelphia. On the DVD side of things, we try to monitor the transfers as closely as possible, given the time constraints involved. On dozens of occasions during the transfer process, we noticed that pictures were indeed freezing up, etc. We thought the problem was that the initial video-to-DVD mastering process was flawed, and we ran around seeking new masters. It turns out that the problem was actually in the DVD player. We’ve also gone through about ten of those. 

As many of you know, we are back and forth from Naples, Florida frequently, if only because our daughter, grand daughter, son-in-law and genius web master live there. In the interests of customer service, we’ve “set up shop” down there and have another duplication setup in place so we can fulfill orders wherever we are. We’ve already returned two DVD players to Best Buy in Naples. And by the way, be careful if you ever buy a refrigerator from Best Buy. 

We will continue to make good on all orders that may be flawed in any way, shape or form, due to imperfections in the duplication process and/or the digital revolution. Perhaps at some point, all will be perfected. As for me, I’m waiting until HDTVs go down to $500 bucks. 

In other matters, I urge you to seriously consider owning our newly discovered appearance by the Gene Krupa Jazz Trio from the 1954 “George Jessel Show.” You’ve never seen anything like this, and to see Eddie Shu, Gene and Teddy Napoleon on the screen is something very, very special. 

It is also strongly suggested, as mentioned in a previous article, that you check out Mosaic’s new boxed set of Buddy Rich’s small group work for the Verve, Emarcy and Argo record labels. Though some may disagree, I prefer Buddy’s small group work to his big band work, especially the famed, Sam Most/Mike Mainieri flute and vibes band. I started doubling on vibes years ago, and Mike was and is my favorite. Get this limited edition boxed set while you can. As usual, Mosaic’s packaging, annotation, notes, graphics, etc., are state of the art. Those of us who have any interest in jazz–past, present or future–should be on our knees at least a few times a year in tribute to the good folks at Mosaic. 

We’ve also made a few Buddy discoveries of our own, including the “Let’s Go To Town” National Guard radio broadcasts from 1961 (with Most and Mainieri), the 1968 big band studio recordings that were shelved at the urging of Don Menza, who told Buddy that these tracks should be recorded live (they eventually became the “Mercy Mercy” LP recorded live at Caesars in Vegas); and the entire 1964 Japanese concert of the Harry James band. Look for updates on the site. 

In response to request, we will shortly begin featuring a line of, and I hesitate to use the word, “novelties,” that will feature the JazzLegends.com logo in conjunction with some rare images of Gene Krupa himself. I’m told there will be bumper stickers, clocks, mugs, etc. Those of you who are putting the JazzLegends.com logo on your bass drums should be careful not to cover up the “Slingerland” logo!! Watch the web site for updates. 

Finally, my sincerest thanks to all involved for keeping the JazzLegends.com forum a very, very lively place, and for all the kind words within. 

God bless and keep swingin, 

Bruce Klauber